Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 146 - BORING

I definitley didn't have a boring day. The day started really early with DGS brought to us at 7.15am for breakfast and then the school run! I then went to a different garden centre for the 2nd day running and ended up having my breakfast there sitting in this glorious sunshine. back home I pottered all day outside in the sunshine potting up some of the plants and DH did the pm school run for Zac.
 Then came the bad news. I hardly go on FB but at teatime I decided to see what friends and family had been up too. There was a message for me from my friend's daughter in Canada telling me on Wednesday they had taken my friend into the hospice and she probably only has a matter of a few days left.
I went last Oct/Nov to see her and look after her so one of the daughters could go back home  for a few weeks. It was a very special time for both of us, a time I will cherish.
The day finished upbeat with our monthly meal with friends in a pub. The evening was so balmy I wore a sundress as if we were on a Mediterranean island!
I have a long list of things I find boring...any kind of sport, housework, ironing, walking especially hills (where you spend all the time looking down to where to put your foot next!!), food shopping and putting it away at home,and paperwork. Here is my photo for today, church hall hiring paperwork, I am the hall booking secretary!! This has been sitting on my desk all week waiting for me to generate invoices and payment sheets. Must do it on Saturday!!

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